Snakes On A Plain


When it comes to picking outfits, I wouldn't advise anyone to start with outerwear. You're setting yourself up for failure because you cant just throw on your coat and walk outside. But you can find an okay outfit and make it bomb with a dope ass coat. In my case I took a big risk investing in this coat because where would I find a look for a bright orange cropped fur and not look crazy? After days of scanning clothing racks and scrolling through my usual retailers I found nothing and started to panic. I found my orange snakeskin printed skirt from I. AM. GIA.


I wasn't a fan of clothes with print before, but I guess I am now!  I found this Aussie brand on Instagram while scrolling through @fashionbombdaily's feed. I bought this snakeskin skirt without even knowing if the oranges would match but I knew that a mini skirt would compliment the cropped silhouette of my coat perfectly. I also thought snake print would jazz up this look a bit more. Too many solid colors might have been too plain. I was already having fun with a whole orange fur, why stop now? (Plus every day is leg day at the gym so I wanted to show them off.) I bought this in a size S because I was unsure about sizing; International retailers tend to cut their clothes very narrow. I honestly could've got an XS. I went to my local cleaners to get it tailored.
