It's Valentine's Day!! The day for love and lovers! If you have a Valentine, yay! If you don't, yay! Life is not over on February 14. Whether or not you have a Valentine, you've gotta remember to love yourself! Love every single inch, from your perfect brows and perfect boobs, to your not so perfect skin and fat feet. LOVE THAT! So on this beautiful day for love, I'm gonna flaunt all my imperfect outtakes that would've never made it to the site. But I'm doing it! Above all things, self-love is most important, so I'm gonna share my perfect flaws with you! (and maybe some of the other beautiful featured people)

The awkward poses....

A bit too close...

Or we just werent ready..
Didnt know how to pose...

 We're not always camera ready, we're not always fabulous in every shot. But we've gotta love who we are, ALL of it! No matter the awkward pose, weird face, even if it's just not right, you've gotta love yourself and everything about you!!

With love, today and everyday.